
Our Spiritual Theme 2018-2021

The Ottawa Catholic School Board (OCSB) has again adopted a Board-wide Spiritual Theme to guide the school board community through the years 2018 to 2021. Our Spiritual Theme “Seek Justice, Love Kindness & Mercy, Walk Humbly with God” enables our staff, students, and community to dig deep into the Gospel to make real and meaningful connections with our everyday lives. This three-year theme will focus on Catholic social teachings to align with global competencies and encourage learners to think globally and act locally.
Year one of the Spiritual Theme will begin in September 2018, with a focus on the “Seek Justice” component. It will enable us to introduce Catholic Social Teaching (CST) as a lens for learning throughout the curriculum. Students of all ages can adopt the Catholic social themes to develop a gospel centred and Catholic worldview. These themes — such as Dignity of the Human Person, Preferential option for the Poor, and Stewardship for Creation, as examples — can be a launching space for Deep Learning to occur.

Seek Justice

Year One (2018-2019 school year)

The first year will focus on social justice to introduce Catholic social teaching as a lens for learning throughout the curriculum.

Through faith we are called to justice and through justice we are called to faith. We find the call to justice throughout scripture. The Good News that we proclaim is liberty to captives, hope to those in poverty, freedom to those in oppression, and sight to the blind.

Board Catholic Theme Song

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